DIVE.IS is a well known diving/snorkeling tour company in Iceland. With this collaboration, we focused on a story-driven element. Rather than providing simply content, we worked together to develop a visual journey.
The goal was to provide a behind a scenes look at DIVE.IS. Sometimes we read online reviews and we still can’t visualize what to expect. Our post will provide a visual journey of each step of the tours and my own personal experience with DIVE.IS.
We also was tactical with the type of tour to highlight. The Midnight Sun tour was a relatively new tour, and one that differentiates DIVE.IS as other companies has began developing their own tours.
DIVE.IS provided access to the tour and its guides. As the tour progressed, we photographed each step of the journey and provided copywriting to correspond. We also recommended a wireframe structure based on their existing web capabilities, to complement this type of content.
Final blog can be found here: bit.ly/2JGiNeG
Blog Wireframe
TYPE: Travel Services